In a post of long ago, I used Venn diagrams to come to the unavoidable conclusion that the BBC's Doctor of Doctor Who is Batman. However, that opinion was derived from four simple facts, which in this modern world, simply isn't enough to convince people of anything. So for your persuasion and viewing pleasure, here's a list of their striking similarities.
- Wicked sweet technology
- Assistant has a British accent
- Shrouded by mysteries
- Changes appearance
- Enemy comes back no matter how many freakin' times he beats them
- Unique and utilitarian mode of transport
- Love interests don't seem to last too long (and when they do, they're ridiculously confusing)
- Tends to be associated with one color
- Special tool[s]
- Not many people know real name
- Don't like to use weapons
- Avoid killing when they can
- Several reboots
- Some actors beloved way more than others
- Never has been a ginger
- Parents...?
- Breaks laws to stop people from breaking laws
- Gruff on the outside, compassionate on the inside
- Would rather run around and help people than lead a normal lifestyle
- Tends to appear and disappear from lives
- An enemy is a "Master"
- Title does not fully describe occupation
Of course, there are many things I missed, so feel free to comment and leave suggestions, and I'll update this list to match whatever it is you feel fits (but, of course, there's not anyone who will read this, let alone comment on it).
Goodnight from the Mountain Time Zone.
23. Both exist in our universe